Monday, September 17, 2007

Well I guess it's been a whole month since I posted, so much for weekly updates! I guess we've just kind of fallen into some what of normalcy- living in our routine. Things are good. My job is crazy, I feel like I must be taking up at least 10% more of my brain with medical knowledge! I have learned so much! I met with my director last week and she said that as long as I keep up my great work, they will keep me on for the second year of the fellowship (I was only guaranteed work for a year) and then possibly hire me on. I really hope it all works out because I really like the work and the people at the library. Even if I don't get hired on, it sounds like I will get to stay for another year, which in addition to more experience, also relieves some stress about moving again. Darren's job is going well, even though he has been working a lot lately. He just brought his first publication to press at his job, which is really nice looking and will look good in a portfolio.

Wedding plans are coming along. We've put a deposit down for our reception location at Estel Gallery in Nashville and have a great honeymoon planned! Darren's parents gave us a week of their timeshare points, so we get to go to a fancy resort in Mexico and just have to pay for the 'inclusive' aspect of the resort! Very exciting!

I'm taking a knitting class at school which is taking up a lot of my time, but I'll try and update more often.

Hope to see you all soon!

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