Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Moving on to Baltimore

In case anyone missed it, we're ditching Nashville and moving to Baltimore! I got a job as the Emerging Technologies Librarian at Towson University. We are really excited to be moving to a bigger city with tons to do and see. Plus I'll have a tenure track faculty position which has a lot of benefits (and also makes me feel important). We're moving next Monday (June 30th) to the Hampden neighborhood. We got a rowhouse there and will even have our own front and back yard- very exciting! The neighborhood seems safe with a ton of things to do (at least in comparison to Nashville) and we'll be near the lightrail and only about 4 miles from downtown. I'll also only be about 5 miles from my work. We are also excited to be on the east coast where everything is so close. DC is only 45 minutes, so I'm sure we'll being going to the museums there quite often! So now we are looking for a job for Darren, although he may continue to do some freelance for his current employer.

For anyone who didn't get to see pictures from our wedding they are here: The wedding went great, it was wonderful to see some many people. We'll be having a party back in Mpls August 9th at Boom Island. I'll be sending invitations in the next couple weeks. Our honeymoon in Mexico was amazing, although I managed to gain 5 lbs from all of the amazing food and drink!

More to come soon... from Baltimore!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Wedding soon

We got our marriage license today, guess it's really happening! 17 days to go!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Wow, I've been really bad about updating this thing! A lot has happened since the last time I wrote. Over Thanksgiving our friend Matthew came up from Floria which was a ton of fun. Here's a picture of us at our local hotdog stand named "I Dream of Weinie" We did a lot of eating, drinking and resting, it was a great visit.

My birthday was soon after and I wrangled together some of my new friends as well as several people from work and had a little party at our house. I am now officially in my late 20s... sad.

Next was Christmas. We took a trip down to Darren's sister's house in Augusta, Georgia, about six hours from here. It was actually are second trip into the "deep south," (we had a short trip to Alabama earlier this year) but it was still surprising how incredibly different it is from the north. I've never heard "have a blessed day" so many times. I mean Nashville is in the south, but it's not the deep south, and there is definitely a difference. We had a good time though visiting Laurie, Dimitri and their kids Audrey and Artem. Olive was happy too because they had a fenced in backyard to run around in. We pretty much did a lot of relaxing, but I did bring a gingerbread house to construct, but it pretty much fell apart while we were making it. On our way back from Augusta we stopped back in Atlanta for the day to do a little Ikea and Trader Joe's shopping. Atlanta seemed like a great city; it was nice to be back in an urban area, Nashville sometimes doesn't feel much like a city, but more of a giant small town. It was nice to stock up on Trader Joe's food too!

Soon after Christmas we had a few other visitors. Our friend Spencer came to visit from NYC and we did a ton of sight seeing, more than I had done since we moved here. One thing we did that was a ton of fun was go to the Jack Daniel's Distillery. Laura and Michael also came to visit on their way down to Houston. So all of us were together for New Year's Eve. We all went over to my friend Janie's house to toast to 2008. Soon after the new year we all headed home early as Michael and Laura had to leave early the next morning.

Two weeks later I was off to Washington DC to meet my friend Marcus for a long weekend. We had a lot of fun! Marcus lives in Providence and we decided to meet half way for some sightseeing and fun. We did so much walking and sight seeing, I think I wore my shoes out. We both had never been there before so we tried to cram as much in as possible, but we still had a great time.

So now I am finally guest free back in Nashville desperately trying to save every cent for the wedding, so there's a lot of crock pot cooking at our house! I can't believe the wedding is in only 3 months! We still have so much to do and so much to buy. We are hoping to get a lot back from taxes to help us out. It's amazing how much a wedding can cost even when it's small. We're getting really excited though. I am so looking forward to seeing many of you here in Nashville. We will be having a party back in Minnesota (at my dad's house) sometime this summer- I'll update when we know.

Work is pretty good, although pretty stressful. I'm still learning a ton, but sometimes its a little overwhelming. We'll see what happens. Darren's job is really stressful right now too. He's had to stay late almost every night because of a few publications that are coming out soon, but he's also getting great experience and lots of new stuff for his portfolio.

Ok that's it for now, I promise to try to update more, but as you can tell, we're very busy!

To see lots more pictures visit: