Monday, October 29, 2007

I was thinking today that it seems crazy that we've been here four months. In some ways, like in regards to my job, it feels like I've been here at least a year, but in other ways, like our social life, it feels like we just got here. I still miss everyone in Minneapolis a ton and am feeling a bit homesick. Nashville is getting better though, I am starting to really appreciate things about Nashville that don't happen in Minneapolis like being able to go out and almost always count on seeing just about the most amazing band you've ever seen in your life for about $5. Nashville definetely is music city. Some bands I've seen recently include Phil Hummer and Tecumpseh Two (, Parachute Musical (, Howlies ( and the Hotpipes ( David, one of our good friends down here is the guitarist for the Hotpipes and actually will be playing in our wedding ceremony- what a nice guy! We've also hire the Phil Hummer band to play at our reception.

Talking about wedding plans, we been doing a lot of them lateley. It's amazing how fast everything adds up. This weekend we went out and bought my wedding dress, I am so excited, it's beautiful. I really feel incredibly lucky to have Darren and be able to plan such a wonderful wedding. Although we are doing it cheaply, I think we are including just about everything that is important to us, plus we're going on a fancy honeymoon! Doing all this of course takes saving lots of money. As of right now, we are in saving mode for the next six months. No extra expenses for us! Macaroni and Cheese and pasta will most likely be in our future!

Things are good all around, although I haven't met a ton of people here, the people I have met are really great. My job is going well, although I can't say it's stress free. I am learning a ton and picking up additional responsibilities all of the time. I am really hoping that I get hired on after my two years, this job is really an amazing opportunity. Eskind (the library I work at) really is the front runner as far a medical libraries go and I am so excited to be a part of it. I really am starting to feel like I am a part of something important, it's not just a job, it's really important to the future of medical information.

Things are good for Darren too. I think his job is going fairly well although I know he is often bored. It's the kind of job where he is either unbelievably busy or has nothing to do. Unfortunetely, his next really busy time will fall right over my birthday, hopefully we'll be able to do something!

I make no promises to write again really soon, but I will continue to write. Please write to me, I'd love to hear from my friends back in Minneapolis!